Alan Ibrahim

Community music
which is a new approach to music making that stresses active collaboration between individuals who play, create, improvise and perform music together. It is music making that fosters individual growth and community development.
Why community music?
''After the Syrians' experience of war and dealing with the effects of the traumatic events that followed, I found this method to be the best option to work with people who want to learn music but also seeking psychological comfort and freedom from their barriers in an individual and collective levels. It became naturally part of my work, to use this method to work with marginalized groups and to connect music to important issues such as social change and peace building''
This experience in Community music came as a result of intensive focus in the university of Arts Berlin on leading groups, Orff instruments and free improvisation. In addition to participating in trainings for trainers organized by musicians without borders on a regular basis.
Member of the elementary music education team
We combine elementary music education with community music principals and have weekly lessons with beginners groups.
Project coordinator and trainer
''Creative Workshops on discrimination'' which is a long-term project aimed to create new ways of handling anti-racism and discrimination workshops by using elements from music, art and culture.